Where are you located?
Fox Chase Farms is located 2 miles west of Route 47 on Route 38. We are just outside of Elburn in Maple Park. The farm is on the north side of the road.
Who are your boarders?
We have a wonderful mix of clients. Some of our riders are competitive in different disciplines, but we also have many pleasure, trail and retired horses. We aim to accommodate a bit of everything to keep us all balanced and learning.
What is your turnout policy?
We turn out in all but the very worst weather. Our horses are out all day seven days a week. Our policy is to let horses be horses, which means outside whenever possible. We have several smaller herds so that horses can be grouped by temperament and personality. This allows us alternatives should conflicts arise.
We have two sets of turnout lots. Our grass pastures are open as soon as the grass is tall enough and the horses will stay in these well into the fall. Once the weather turns, we have dirt lots that are used. These lots are supplied with hay so that foraging behavior continues throughout the year.
What and when do you feed?
We offer several different grain choices depending on each horse's needs. Staff is always watching for weight changes or altered eating habits so problems can be addressed immediately. Our hay is carefully selected to provide a balance between grasses and alfalfa so adequate, healthy forage is available. Horses are given grain and alfalfa mornings and when turned in. Night hay is provided so that your horse does not go an extended period of time without digestion.
Do you offer training?
Several trainers work with Fox Chase Farms. Training is available in hunter/jumper, dressage and eventing. We also offer a therapeutic riding program.
What are your rules regarding jumping?
There is NO unsupervised jumping. All riders must wear a helmet when jumping and be supervised by a trainer. There are no exceptions to this rule.
What are your hours?
We have very liberal and flexible hours and are open every day. Boarders have access to their horses at all times. Your horse is a part of your family, and it is not for us to say when you may or may not visit or ride. Since someone lives on grounds, we ask that boarders be considerate when here. All boarders know the closing procedure so if you are the last one out, please make sure the barn is closed up properly.